Meet Hope Academy Alumna, Katharine Stuart 

Meet Hope Academy Alumna, Katharine Stuart 

Katharine is a successful Hope Academy graduate and proud to be celebrating six years of sobriety on August 27th! It is the longest she’s been sober and she is thankful to Hope Academy for the community, support and tools she received. 

When Katharine started at Hope, she felt empowered to finish high school, which previously felt unattainable. 

“Due to my addiction, I was in and out of multiple high schools and never seemed to catch up,” said Katherine. “I remember my Algebra teacher at Hope, Mr. Henry, spending time with me after school to make sure I understood everything and made me feel capable of passing. He instilled in me a drive to not give up and push forward to graduate.”

While Katharine was at Hope Academy, she learned to never give up, no matter what challenges she faced. She really learned what it meant to feel supported and that there was always a support system for her to fall back on, but only if she took advantage of it. 

Currently, Katharine is the Peer Resource Manager for Pathway to Recovery, which is a long-term sober living program for those facing homelessness. She has been working in the recovery field for the past three years. In her personal life, Katharine loves yoga, traveling, spending time in nature and being a dog mom. She is also an active member of a 12-step program for addiction recovery. 

“Hope gave me a sense of community. I know that it is imperative for us like-minded in the realm of recovery to surround and support each other,” said Katharine.

Katharine has been able to empower others the way the Hope Academy and Mr. Henry empowered her. Her advice for current students?

 “You’re never too young to get sober. I’ve always been told by ‘old-timers,’ ‘Wow you have your whole life ahead of you now that you’re sober.’ And it has been 100% true,” she exclaimed. “You won’t grow out of it. There’s so much of life to live and experience; all of which you can’t do without sobriety first and foremost.”