Teen Alcohol and Drug Use: What a Parent Needs to Know

Alcohol and drug use among teens is not a new phenomenon. It is also a circumstance that shakes parents to their core with fear, and with good reason.

Have you ever wondered what you would do if your child was using alcohol and/or drugs? This is probably a common thought that all of us have had at one time or another. Usually that thought is fleeting. Followed by, “I don’t really need to worry about this. My child is a good kid. Besides, I would know if something was up.”

However, the reality is that one in four high school students report drinking to intoxication at least once in the last 2 weeks*. While one in 15 report daily or near daily use of marijuana**. What’s more, the average age of first use of alcohol and/or drugs is 12 years old***.

All this can lead one to feelings of fear, worry, helplessness and hopelessness. There is a solution and there is hope. At Hope Academy, we see stories of hope every day. We witness lives being restored through recovery from alcohol and/or drug use. Recovery does not happen without community. One of the most powerful lessons of recovery for our students is learning that they are not alone. Being in a community of peers working towards a common goal is how the miracle of recovery happens. Parenting will keep you on your toes. The good news is that there are generations of parents who have gone before us and we can learn from their experience, strength, and hope. We do not have to figure out how to do this from scratch. Thank goodness! So, in keeping with the idea of community, in the following posts,

you will find the wisdom of the community of Hope Academy parents. They have graciously shared their experiences to be of help to anyone who may need it.